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Pressemitteilung vom 10.12.2009

Second video conference between Silkeborg and Kaiserslautern within the joint Comenius Regio Project

Administration departments, schools and associations work together successfully in a European project on integration

Within the framework of the project with the work title “Building Bridges” the following Danish and German institutions act together with the aim to improve European integration: 
  • In the city of Silkeborg: The municipality of Silkeborg , the schools authority, Nordre Skole and Jupiter Klubberne
  • In the city of Kaiserslautern: The department of schools, the Grundschule auf dem Fischerrück (elementary school), the Integrierte Gesamtschule Bertha-von-Suttner (comprehensive school), the Caritas-Zentrum and the Medienzentrum Kaiserslautern MZKL. 
This second video conference in which the partners introduced themselves to each other succeeded the first one dated October 2009 and was held in the Kaiserslautern city hall
on 7 December 2009.
A major subject was the joint determination of the programme for the launch conference to be held from 4-7 February 2010 in Silkeborg.
Everybody enjoyed the special surprise when wearing Santa’s hats, the Kaiserslautern representatives”, sang the Christmas song “Oh Tannenbaum-Oh Christmas tree “
Further information is available at:


Autor/in: Sandra Janik - Pressestelle

Kaiserslautern, 10.12.2009