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Pressemitteilung vom 14.10.2009

Joint Project: Silkeborg and Kaiserslautern in the framework of 'Comenius Regio'

The twinned towns Kaiserslautern and Silkeborg start a joint European project.

Within the framework of this project titled “Building Bridges” the following Danish and German institutions act together aiming to promote European integration:

1. In the city of Silkeborg: The municipality of Silkeborg , the schools authority, Nordre Skole and Jupiter Klubberne


2. In the city of Kaiserslautern: The department of schools, the Grundschule auf dem Fischerrück (elementary school), the Integrierte Gesamtschule Bertha-von-Suttner (comprehensive school), das Caritas-Zentrum and the Medienzentrum Kaiserslautern MZKL.


The Pädagogischer Austauschdienst (PAD) – (pedagocial exchange service) being the National Agency for the school related actions in the field of European Educational Programmes within the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany provided a. subsidy of a total of 40,000 Euros .

“The importance of this first intensive cooperation between the two school administration authorities has- concerning the partnership- to be considered a major issue on municipal level” Peter Krietemeyer, head of the department of schools of the city of Kaiserslautern stated.
The initial situations in both municipalities are similar: Both cities note continuously increasing numbers of children and adolescents with a migration background and both cities consider a good school education to be a crucial factor regarding later integration into the labour market.
“Therefore there is an urgent need for developing new strategies and opportunities concerning the relationships between teachers and migrant families.”Krietemeyer requests.
Major focuses of work will therefore be:
  • organising a multicultural school,
  • developing and testing new teaching materials for multicultural school classes,
  • enhancing integration on both, the European level and the local level and
  • working with children and adolescents living in weak socio economic regions .
This Comenius Regio project will be completed by video conferences, a joint project homepage; study visits conferences between the partners and activities at the participating schools. The project partners aim to ameliorate teachers’ qualifications, to initiate partnerships between migrant children and their fellow students and to research on the impact of role models in the communities. “Integration should not be considered a problem, it should be acknowledged that integration offers chances and opportunities for the region and its future”. Krietemeyer motivates.
The cooperation in the field of integration should be continuously developed even beyond this particular project. The achievements and experiences will have a significant impact on future co-operations.” We are sure the project will lead to initiating further co-operations “ Krietemeyer is looking ahead. It should furthermore serve as a key issue for creating new networks on both regional and European levels.
Video conferences will support the vivid exchange activities between the partner cities during the project and will serve to the students as a mean to communicate with each other.
On Thursday, 29 October 2009 from 4:30 p.m. on there will be the first opportunity to go live to Denmark at the council hall at the Kaiserslautern city hall.
Further information is available at


Autor/in: Sandra Janik - Pressestelle

Kaiserslautern, 14.10.2009