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Pressemitteilung vom 06.11.2009

Comenius project started with a successful video conference

First Live Conference between Silkeborg and Kaiserslautern

“Hello Kaiserslautern, hello Silkeborg”. Danish and German students as well as teachers of both twinned towns welcomed each other taking the opportunity of the first video conference. In the framework of the joint “EU-Comenius Regio “project:” Promoting the integration of children with a migration background” first experiences were exchanged.
The Kaiserslautern schools, Bertha-von-Suttner Gesamtschule (comprehensive school) and Fischerrück Grundschule (elementary school) introduced their projects. Furthermore the Caritas-Zentrum and the Medienzentrum Kaiserslautern were on site. Both of them assist the schools with the implementation of their projects within the Comenius Regio project.

The Silkeborg partners introduced themselves and gave an overview on their objectives, they wish to be achieved according to the scheme of the joint project “Building Bridges”
The city of Kaiserslautern accompanied the video conference by the departments of Organisation Management and Schools being responsible for the organisational and technical realization “The importance of this first intensive cooperation between the two school administration authorities has- concerning the partnership- to be considered a major issue on municipal level” Peter Krietemeyer, head of the department of schools of the city of Kaiserslautern stated in informal talks during the conference.

Both municipalities will particularly focus on the following major subjects:

  • Organisation of a multicultural school,
  • Development and testing of new teaching materials for multicultural school classes, 
  • working with children and adolescents living in weak socio economic regions.
This Comenius Regio project will be completed by video conferences, a joint project homepage; study visits, conferences between the partners and activities at the participating schools.
The project partners stipulated the joint objectives of ameliorating teachers’ qualifications, initiating partnerships between migrant children and their fellow students and researching on the impact of role models in the communities. According to Krietemeyer “Integration should not be considered a problem, it should be acknowledged that integration offers chances and opportunities for the region and its future”.
The responsible project partners of the two twinned towns involved in the programme will have a first meeting in February 2010.
The cooperation initiated in the field of integration should be continued after project realization.
The achievements and experiences will have a significant impact on future co-operations.” We are sure the project will lead to initiating further co-operations “ Krietemeyer is looking ahead. It should furthermore serve as a key issue for creating new networks on both regional and European levels.
 Further information is available on


Autor/in: Sandra Janik - Pressestelle

Kaiserslautern, 06.11.2009