Traffic and car parking

Here you will find traffic information - from downtown car parking and the parking guidance system to Park&Ride possibilities when visiting a game at the Fritz Walter Stadion. In addition, you can also check the schedule of the "Lauterer Nachtbus” [night bus of Kaiserslautern] and the locations of municipal construction sites.

Man blickt die Rudolf-Breitscheid-Straße hinunter in Richtung Rathaus. Mehrere Autos und ein Bus fahren auf dieser Straße über eine grüne Ampel. Direkt vor dem Betrachter steht eine Bushaltestelle.
© Stadt Kaiserslautern


Informations about the parking guidance system to find a free parking space, the Park & Ride offers to the Soccer Stadion and car parks in the city.

Night bus

Do you want to go to the cinema or eat out at the weekend, but don't want to use your own car? At the weekend, a night bus connects Kaiserslautern with the surrounding communities.